Body Image & Disordered Eating | CBT Workbooks | Digitally Fillable and Printable | For Professional Use: Health Coach, Therapist, PT

Sale Price:£140.00 Original Price:£220.00
Are you a personal trainer, nutritionist or health coach? Do you want to introduce your clients to intuitive eating and incorporate CBT-based approaches into your existing services?

This Toolkit is specifically designed (and licensed) for professional use within therapy or coaching sessions, to support clients who are struggling with body image and disordered eating. Other professionals such as personal trainers and nutritionists will also find this a valuable resource to use with clients.

[If you're looking for printable self-help workbooks to use for private use, you can find these here:]

I’ve developed this Toolkit for health coaches and therapists after many professionals asked me whether my printable workbooks could be used in private practice because they found them so useful.

In response, I’ve put together this huge resource, which serves as an introduction for any professional who may be new to the concepts of eating intuitively and the anti-diet, body positivity, and Health at Every Size® movements. These movements are rapidly growing in popularity with health coaches, therapists, nutritionists, dietitians, and other professionals.

You may have heard of these movements, you may know a little about them, or even be well versed on them. Either way, I bet you’re spending a lot of time looking for worksheets and resources on the topics, so look no further!

I have personally tested these CBT-based exercises via my own self-help online coaching programme, The Health Mindset Programme, and I have received lovely feedback from students. Many have reported decreased food anxieties, improved self-esteem, and improved overall health.

It may be helpful to approach the workbooks in this order when working with a client. Alternatively, you may choose to focus on just one area, such as body image. For this reason, I have designed each of the workbooks to be self-contained.

You may wish to support your client with working through a workbook as it is, during your sessions together, or you may decide to select one or two of the worksheets from a workbook and set these as homework between sessions. It is totally up to you and what works for your practice and your client!

I hope you will find these resources a useful and time-saving investment for your private practice work with clients!

UPDATE: The workbooks are now designed to be both printable and digitally fillable - perfect for in-person use and for emailing to clients in between sessions!


Five digital files are included: A Guide for Practitioners and four coaching workbooks:
1. Body Image
2. Emotional Eating
3. Intuitive Eating
4. Health Beyond The Scale


If you're new to any of the concepts used, you will find a 'Quick Start Guide to Approaches Used' in this guide, which provides an overview of the concepts.

In this guide, I’ve put together a list of books, podcasts, and websites that will help deepen your own professional knowledge or can be passed on to a client for them to use between sessions.

The workbooks included:


This printable workbook is designed to help a client move from a place of hating their body, to a place of respecting and accepting their body, while also recognizing that they are so much more than their appearance.

This 19-page workbook is split into three parts of daily journal prompts:

1. Body Neutrality - Shifting your focus away from your physical appearance and onto the other parts of what makes you, you.

2. Body Acceptance – Learning how to show your body respect and compassion and reach a place of peaceful acceptance with it.

3. Body Confidence – Reaching the stage where we don’t let our appearance or, more accurately, the thoughts we have about our appearance, hold us back from enjoying the life we want.


This workbook is packed with coaching exercises based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help you better understand the causes of emotional eating and put in place effective alternative, more effective coping strategies for difficult emotions.

This workbook is split into three parts:

1. Understanding Emotional Eating
2. Developing Emotional Awareness
3. Developing Coping Strategies for Difficult Emotions

They approach used in this workbook is ‘Anti-Diet’, which means emotional eating is not viewed as an ‘eating problem’. Research shows that responding to emotional eating by restricting food intake increases the risk of binge eating and so this is strongly advised against when working to overcome emotional eating.

Instead, the focus throughout this workbook will be to enable the client to become more emotionally aware that they can accurately label their emotions, identify their underlying needs, and meet them effectively.

By taking the time to work through this workbook your client will:

• Understand why dieting or food restriction is NOT a solution to emotional eating (and why it exacerbates it)
• Understand why you comfort eat and how it's benefiting you (yes, really)
• Increase your emotional awareness - you'll be able to accurately label what you're feeling and identify the cause of it
• Develop effective, alternative coping strategies for coping with strong emotions


The Printable Intuitive Eating Workbook for people who want to leave diets behind once and for all and embrace Intuitive Eating instead.

The workbook is split into three parts:

1. Developing Body Awareness – these exercises are designed to help their client check-in with their body’s signals, including their hunger and fullness cues.

2. Unconditional Permission to Eat – these exercises will help the client understand and ditch the food rules they've adopted from past diets and diet culture.

3.Mindful Eating – these final exercises will help the client find enjoyment and satisfaction from food and listen out for pesky thoughts of diets creeping back into their mind.


In this workbook, the client will be encouraged to take steps to improve their physical health, without focusing on weight. We can only truly focus on our health, both physical and psychological once we have totally removed ourselves from diet culture and the dieting mindset.

This workbook is split into three parts:

• Part 1 - Joyful movement, where the client will look at how to add pleasurable forms of movement into their life and work through the barriers and issues they may have around exercise.

• Part 2 - Gentle nutrition, where the client will look at the physical effect’s food has on them, some general nutritional guidelines (not rules!), and why calories and portion sizes are irrelevant. We will also discuss what we mean by the term ‘play-food’ and the value of ‘play-food’.

• Part 3 - Alternative ways to assess health, where we will look at biomarkers such as blood pressure, blood glucose, and blood cholesterol. All of these are far more useful in diagnosing, managing, and preventing common lifestyle illness, than simply stepping on a bathroom scale.


This workbook contains a mix of portrait and landscape pages. Please select 'Auto portrait/landscape'
when printing.

You can also print on both sides to save paper.



Karen Lynne Oliver, BA, MA, is the owner of Lynne Media and the founder of Beyond The Bathroom Scale®, a hub of self-help resources to aid with recovery from disordered eating and body image.

A former Social Worker, Karen holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology, specialising in health and society and a master’s degree in Social Work. She has trained in counselling skills and psychotherapy-based approaches including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) and Motivational Interviewing (MI).

Karen has previously written HuffPost UK and has been featured in The Metro, Cambridge Independent and Cosmopolitan Magazine.


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"Beyond The Bathroom Scale" is a Registered UK Trademark and the intellectual property of the website owner, Karen Oliver, trading as Beyond The Bathroom Scale, part of Lynne Media ('our', 'we', 'us').

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You are permitted to use this Toolkit with:

• Your clients. ‘Clients’ are defined as individuals, couples, or groups with whom you have a professional relationship, and their social support (for example, their family, friends, carers, or support workers).
• Professionals whom you supervise (‘supervisees’). ‘Supervisees’ are defined as clinicians and trainees with whom you have a supervisory relationship. These individuals are not licensed to use the resources in their own clinical work unless they also have purchased the licence from the Lynne Media Etsy store (
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• Printed copies. You are licensed to print copies to share with clients, supervisees, and students as defined above.
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• You must not store, host, or display any of the Toolkit materials in digital form or upload them to any digital platform.
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